Display Object Samples (ssk.display.*)

Here are some samples to help you get your head wrapped around the concepts outlined in the previous docs pages.

Tip: To make typing easier, I usually localize SSK functions at the top of a file.

-- Localize factories
local newCircle    = ssk.display.newCircle
local newRect      = ssk.display.newRect
local newImageRect = ssk.display.newImageRect

Circles - newCircle


newCircle( group, 45, top + 50 )    

newCircle( group, 95, top + 50, { fill = _R_ } )

newCircle( group, 145, top + 50, { radius = 10, fill = _B_, stroke = _W_, strokeWidth = 2 } )

newCircle( group, 195, top + 50, { size = 20, fill = _O_ } )

newCircle( group, 245, top + 50, { radius = 20, scale = 0.5, fill = _Y_ } )

newCircle( group, 295, top + 50, { xScale = 0.75, fill = _C_ } )

newCircle( group, 345, top + 50, { yScale = 0.75, rotation = 15, fill = _PURPLE_ } )

newCircle( group, 395, top + 50, { fill = { type = "image", 
                                            baseDir = system.ResourceDirectory, 
                                            filename = "images/water.png"} } )

newCircle( group, 445, top + 50, { 
        fill = { type = "gradient", color1 = { 1, 0, 0.4 }, 
                 color2 = { 1, 0, 0, 0.2 }, direction = "down" }, strokeWidth = 4, 
        stroke = { type = "gradient", color1 = { 0, 1, 0.4 }, 
                   color2 = { 0, 0, 1, 0.2 }, direction = "up" } } )

Rectangles - newRect


newRect( group, 45, top + 100 )  

newRect( group, 95, top + 100, { fill = _R_ } )

newRect( group, 145, top + 100, { radius = 10, fill = _B_,  stroke = _W_, strokeWidth = 2 } )

newRect( group, 195, top + 100, { size = 20, fill = _O_ } )

newRect( group, 245, top + 100, { radius = 20, scale = 0.5, fill = _Y_ } )

newRect( group, 295, top + 100, { xScale = 0.75, fill = _C_ } )

newRect( group, 345, top + 100, { yScale = 0.75, rotation = 15, fill = _PURPLE_ } )

newRect( group, 395, top + 100, { fill = { type = "image", 
                                           baseDir = system.ResourceDirectory, 
                                           filename = "images/water.png"} } )

newRect( group, 445, top + 100, { 
        fill = { type = "gradient", color1 = { 1, 0, 0.4 }, 
                 color2 = { 1, 0, 0, 0.2 }, direction = "down" }, strokeWidth = 4, 
        stroke = { type = "gradient", color1 = { 0, 1, 0.4 }, 
                   color2 = { 0, 0, 1, 0.2 }, direction = "up" } } )

Image Rectanges - newImageRect


newImageRect( group, 45, top + 150, "images/smiley.png" )    

newImageRect( group, 95, top + 150, "images/smiley.png", { fill = _R_ } )

newImageRect( group, 145, top + 150, "images/smiley.png", { radius = 10, fill = _B_, 
                                                            stroke = _W_, strokeWidth = 2 } )

newImageRect( group, 195, top + 150, "images/smiley.png", { size = 20, fill = _O_ } )

newImageRect( group, 245, top + 150, "images/smiley.png", { radius = 20, scale = 0.5, fill = _Y_ } )

newImageRect( group, 295, top + 150, "images/smiley.png", { xScale = 0.75, fill = _C_ } )

newImageRect( group, 345, top + 150, "images/smiley.png", { yScale = 0.75, rotation = 15, fill = _PURPLE_ } )

newImageRect( group, 395, top + 150, "images/smiley.png", { fill = { type = "image", 
                                                                     baseDir = system.ResourceDirectory, 
                                                                     filename = "images/water.png"} } )

newImageRect( group, 445, top + 150, "images/smiley.png", { 
        fill = { type = "gradient", color1 = { 1, 0, 0.4 }, 
                 color2 = { 1, 0, 0, 0.2 }, direction = "down" }, strokeWidth = 4, 
        stroke = { type = "gradient", color1 = { 0, 1, 0.4 }, 
                   color2 = { 0, 0, 1, 0.2 }, direction = "up" } } )

Bouncing Block - Simple Physics

SSK verus Pure Corona SDK

newImageRect( group, centerX - 100 , centerY - 50, "images/kenney/physicsAssets/yellow_round.png", 
              { size = 40 }, { radius = 20, bounce = 1, gravityScale = 0.2 } )  

newImageRect( group, centerX - 100, centerY + 100, "images/kenney/physicsAssets/stone/square2.png", 
              { size = 40 }, { bodyType = "static" } ) 

'Color Switch'-like Shape with Arcs

Color Switch

local spinGroup = display.newGroup()
spinGroup.x = centerX - 300
spinGroup.y = centerY - 50
ssk.display.arc( spinGroup, 0, 0 , 
                  { radius = 50, s = 0, sweep = 90,
                    strokeColor = _R_, strokeWidth = 6 })
ssk.display.arc( spinGroup, 0, 0 , 
                  { radius = 50, s = 90, sweep = 90,
                    strokeColor = _G_, strokeWidth = 6 })
ssk.display.arc( spinGroup, 0, 0 , 
                  { radius = 50, s = 180, sweep = 90, 
                    strokeColor = _B_, strokeWidth = 6 })
ssk.display.arc( spinGroup, 0, 0 , 
                  { radius = 50, s = 270, sweep = 90,
                    strokeColor = _Y_, strokeWidth = 6 })

function spinGroup.enterFrame( self )
    self.rotation = self.rotation + 5 
end; listen("enterFrame", spinGroup)

-- Poly Arcs
ssk.display.polyArc( group, centerX-150, centerY-50,
      { radius = 50, s = 0, sweep = 180, incr = -0.25, fillColor = _O_ } )

ssk.display.polyArc( group, centerX-50, centerY-50,
      { radius = 50, s = 45, sweep = 180, incr = -0.25, fillColor = _P_ } )

'Pac-Man' with Poly Arc


local pac
local curSep = 90
local curDir = -15

local function chomp()
   pac = ssk.display.polyArc( group, centerX - 200, centerY + 100,
      { radius = 50, s = 90 - curSep/2, sweep = 360 - curSep, incr = -0.1, fillColor = _Y_ } )
   curSep = curSep + curDir
   if( curSep <= 0 ) then
    curSep = 0
    curDir = 15
   elseif( curSep >= 90 ) then
    curSep = 90
    curDir = -15
timer.performWithDelay( 30, chomp, -1 )

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