2D Math (ssk.math2d.*)

SSK2 comes with a complete library of fundamental 2D operations.

Additionally, if you own the Math2D Plugin, SSK can use that instead.

-- Use Math2D Plugin if you own it!
_G.ssk.init( { math2DPlugin = true } )

Tip: The paid version of the Math2D Plugin is both faster than the SSK2 (Pure Lua) version and incorporates a number of additional features, so you should definitely check it out!

Vector Representations

In the context of these docs, a vector is any table or object with both an x- and a y-field. Additionally, we often deal with vectors as discrete collections of x and y values.

-- A table as a 2d-vector: < 10, 15 >
local v1 = { x = 10, y = 15 } 

-- A circle display object; Also a 2d-vector: < 10, 15 >
local circ = display.newCircle( 10, 15, 5 )

-- Four discrete values repsenting the vectors: < 10, 15 > and < -1, 0 >
local x1 = 10
local y1 = 15
local x2 = -1
local y2 = 0

Standard Operations

Addition Subtraction Difference Length
Squared Length Scaling Normalizing Dot Product
Cross Product Normals Angle To Vector Vector To Angle
Angle Between Distance Between Is Within Distance


Table/Object Vectors

math2d.add( v1, v2 [, altRet ] )

Adds two vectors v1 and v2 and returns a (table) vector unless altRet is true.

local circ = display.newCircle( 100, 100, 30 )
local rect = display.newRect( 150, 250, 60, 60 )

local vec = ssk.math2d.add( circ, rect ) -- Return a table
print("Results: ", vec.x, vec.y )

local vx,vy = ssk.math2d.add( circ, rect, true ) -- Return two numbers
print("Results: ", vx, vy ) 

Discrete Value Vectors

math2d.add( x1, y1, x2, y2 [, altRet ] )

Adds two vectors < x1, y1 > and < x2, y2 > and returns two discrete values unless altRet is true.

local circ = display.newCircle( 100, 100, 30 )
local rect = display.newRect( 150, 250, 60, 60 )

local vx,vy = ssk.math2d.add( circ.x, circ.y, rect.x, rect.y ) -- Return two numbers
print("Results: ", vx, vy ) 

local vec = ssk.math2d.add( circ.x, circ.y, rect.x, rect.y, true ) -- Return a table
print("Results: ", vec.x, vec.y )


Table/Object Vectors

math2d.sub( v1, v2 [, altRet ] )

Subtracts vector v2 from vector v1 ( v1 - v2 ) and returns a (table) vector unless altRet is true.

Note: The returned value represents a direction vector equivalent to the direction from v2 to v1 translated to < 0, 0 >. Adding this vector to v2 gives you v1.

local circ = display.newCircle( 100, 100, 30 )
local rect = display.newRect( 150, 250, 60, 60 )

local vec = ssk.math2d.sub( circ, rect ) -- Return a table
print("Results: ", vec.x, vec.y )

local vx,vy = ssk.math2d.sub( circ, rect, true ) -- Return two numbers
print("Results: ", vx, vy ) 

Discrete Value Vectors

math2d.sub( x1, y1, x2, y2 [, altRet ] )

Subtracts vector < x2, y2 > from vector < x1, y1 > ( < x1 - x2, y1 - y2 > ) and returns two discrete values unless altRet is true.

Note: The returned value represents a direction vector equivalent to the direction from v2 to v1 translated to < 0, 0 >. Adding this vector to v2 gives you v1.

local x1,y1 = 10,10
local x2,y2 = 15,-10

local vx,vy = ssk.math2d.sub( x1, y1, x2, y2 ) -- Return two numbers
print("Results: ", vx, vy ) 

local vec = ssk.math2d.sub( x1, y1, x2, y2, true ) -- Return a table
print("Results: ", vec.x, vec.y ) 


Table/Object Vectors

math2d.diff( v1, v2 [, altRet ] )

Subtracts vector v1 from vector v2 ( v2 - v1 ) and returns a (table) vector unless altRet is true.

Note: The returned value represents a direction vector equivalent to the direction from v1 to v2 translated to < 0, 0 >. Adding this vector to v1 gives you v2.

local circ = display.newCircle( 100, 100, 30 )
local rect = display.newRect( 150, 250, 60, 60 )

local vec = ssk.math2d.sub( circ, rect ) -- Return a table
print("Results: ", vec.x, vec.y )

local vx,vy = ssk.math2d.sub( circ, rect, true ) -- Return two numbers
print("Results: ", vx, vy ) 

Discrete Value Vectors

math2d.diff( x1, y1, x2, y2 [, altRet ] )

Subtracts vector < x1, y1 > from vector < x2, y2 > ( < x2 - x1, y2 - y1 > ) and returns two discrete values unless altRet is true.

Note: The returned value represents a direction vector equivalent to the direction from v1 to v2 translated to < 0, 0 >. Adding this vector to v1 gives you v2.

local x1,y1 = 10,10
local x2,y2 = 15,-10

local vx,vy = ssk.math2d.sub( x1, y1, x2, y2 ) -- Return two numbers
print("Results: ", vx, vy ) 

local vec = ssk.math2d.sub( x1, y1, x2, y2, true ) -- Return a table
print("Results: ", vec.x, vec.y ) 


Table/Object Vectors

math2d.length( v1 )

Calculates the length (magnitude) of scalar (encoded) vector.

local circ = display.newCircle( 100, 100, 30 )
local rect = display.newRect( 150, 250, 60, 60 )

local vec = ssk.math2d.sub( circ, rect ) -- Return a table

print("Result: ", ssk.math2d.length(vec) )

Discrete Value Vectors

math2d.length( x1, y1 )

Adds two vectors < x1, y1 > and < x2, y2 > and returns two discrete values unless altRet is true.

local x1,y1 = 10,10
local x2,y2 = 15,-10

local vx,vy = ssk.math2d.sub( x1, y1, x2, y2 ) -- Return two numbers

print("Result: ", ssk.math2d.length(vx, vy) )

Squared Length

Table/Object Vectors

math2d.length2( v1,  )

Calculates the squared length of a vector.

local circ = display.newCircle( 100, 100, 30 )
local rect = display.newRect( 150, 250, 60, 60 )

local vec = ssk.math2d.sub( circ, rect ) -- Return a table

print("Result: ", ssk.math2d.length2(vec) )

Discrete Value Vectors

math2d.length2( x1, y1 )

Calculates the squared length of a vector.

local x1,y1 = 10,10
local x2,y2 = 15,-10

local vx,vy = ssk.math2d.sub( x1, y1, x2, y2 ) -- Return two numbers

print("Result: ", ssk.math2d.length2(vx, vy) )


Table/Object Vectors

math2d.scale( obj, scaleBy [, altRet]  )

Multiply < x, y > components of a vector by scaleBy.

local vec = { x = 1, y = 0 }

vec = ssk.math2d.scale( vec, 30 ) -- Vector is now < 30, 0 >

Discrete Value Vectors

math2d.scale( vx, vy, scaleBy [, altRet ] )

Multiply vx and vy components of a vector by scaleBy.

local vx = 1, vy = 0

vx, vy = ssk.math2d.scale( vx, vy, 30 ) -- Vector is now < 30, 0 >


Table/Object Vectors

math2d.normalize( v1 [, altRet ] )

Converts the input vector into a unit length (one) vector.

local vec = { x = 30, y = 30 }

vec = ssk.math2d.normalize( vec ) -- Vector is now < 0.707..., 0.707... >

Discrete Value Vectors

math2d.normalize( x1, y1 [, altRet ] )

Converts the input vector into a unit length (one) vector.

local vx = 30, vy = 30

vx, vy = ssk.math2d.normalize( vx, vy ) -- Vector is now < 0.707..., 0.707... >

Dot Product

Table/Object Vectors

math2d.dot( v1, v2 )

Calculates the inner product of two vectors v1 and v2 and returns a scalar value.

local circ = display.newCircle( 100, 100, 30 )
local rect = display.newRect( 150, 250, 60, 60 )

print("Result: ", ssk.math2d.dot( circ, rect ) )

Discrete Value Vectors

math2d.dot( x1, y1, x2, y2 )

Calculates the inner product of two vectors < x1, y1 > and < x2, y2 > and returns a scalar value.

local x1,y1 = 10,10
local x2,y2 = 15,-10

print("Result: ", ssk.math2d.dot( x1, y1, x2, y2 ) )

Cross Product

Table/Object Vectors

math2d.cross( v1, v2 )

Calculates the cross product of two vectors v1 and v2 and returns a scalar value.

local circ = display.newCircle( 100, 100, 30 )
local rect = display.newRect( 150, 250, 60, 60 )

print("Result: ", ssk.math2d.cross( circ, rect ) )

Discrete Value Vectors

math2d.cross( x1, y1, x2, y2 )

Calculates the cross product of two vectors < x1, y1 > and < x2, y2 > and returns a scalar value.

local x1,y1 = 10,10
local x2,y2 = 15,-10

print("Result: ", ssk.math2d.cross( x1, y1, x2, y2 ) )


Table/Object Vectors

math2d.normals( v1 [, altRet ] )

Returns two normal vectors n1 and n2 for the given vector v1 unless altRet is true.

Warning: The returned normals are not normalized (unit length) to save computation time.

local vec = { x = 1, y = 0 }

local n1, n2 = ssk.math2d.normals( vec ) 

-- n1 and n2 will contain the two vectors:
--   < 0, -1 > and < 0, 1 > (order may vary).

Discrete Value Vectors

math2d.normals( x1, y1 [, altRet ] )

Returns two normal vectors < nx1, ny1 > and < nx2, ny2 > for the given vector < x1, y1 > unless altRet is true.

Warning: The returned normals are not normalized (unit length) to save computation time.

local x1 = 1, y1 = 0

local nx1, ny1, nx2, ny2 = ssk.math2d.normals( x1, y1 ) 

-- < nx1, ny1 > and < nx2, ny2 > will be equivalent to: 
--   < 0, -1 > and < 0, 1 > (order may vary).

Angle To Vector

math2d.angle2Vector( angle [, altRet ] )

Converts a (screen) angle into a normalized direction vector of the form < vx, vy >.

Warning: This library uses screen angles NOT Cartesian or polar.

local angle = 135

local vec = ssk.math2d.angle2Vector( angle, true ) -- Return a table
print("The vector: " .. vec.x .. ", " .. vec.y  )

local vx,vy = ssk.math2d.angle2Vector( angle ) -- Return two numbers
print("The vector: " .. vx .. ", " .. vy  )

Vector To Angle

Table/Object Vectors

math2d.vector2Angle( v1 )

Takes a table vector and returns a screen angle. Warning: This library uses screen angles NOT Cartesian or polar.

local circ = display.newCircle( 100, 100, 30 )
local rect = display.newRect( 150, 250, 60, 60 )

local vec = ssk.math2d.sub( circ, rect ) -- Return a table

print("Result: ", ssk.math2d.vector2Angle(vec) )

Discrete Value Vectors

math2d.vector2Angle( vx, vy )

Takes a two discrete values representing a vector and returns a screen angle.

local x1,y1 = 10,10
local x2,y2 = 15,-10

local vx,vy = ssk.math2d.sub( x1, y1, x2, y2 ) -- Return two numbers

print("Result: ", ssk.math2d.vector2Angle(vx, vy) )

Angle Between

Angle Between

math2d.angleBetween( v1, v2 )
math2d.angleBetween( x1, y1, x2, y2 )

Returns the inner (shortest) angle between two vectors.

Tip: These vectors do not have to have the same tail.

local vec1 = angle2Vector( -90, true )
local vec2 = angle2Vector( -15, true )

print( ssk.math2d.angleBetween( vec1, vec2 ) ) -- ~75 degrees

print( ssk.math2d.angleBetween( vec2, vec1 ) ) -- ~75 degrees

Distance Between

math2d.distanceBetween( v1, v2 )
math2d.distanceBetween( x1, y1, x2, y2 )

Returns the distance between two vectors. Shorthand notation for substraction followed by a length calculation.

local vec1 = { x = 0, y = 100 }
local vec2 = { x = 0, y = 0 }

print( ssk.math2d.distanceBetween( vec1, vec2 ) ) -- 100

print( ssk.math2d.distanceBetween( 0, 100, 0, 0 ) ) -- 100

Is Within Distance

math2d.isWithinDistance( v1, v2, distance )
math2d.isWithinDistance( x1, y1, x2, y2, distance )

Returns true if two vectors are with the specified distance of each other.

local vec1 = { x = 0, y = 100 }
local vec2 = { x = 0, y = 0 }

print( ssk.math2d.isWithinDistance( vec1, vec2, 100 ) ) -- true

print( ssk.math2d.isWithinDistance( vec1, vec2, 99.999 ) ) -- false

print( ssk.math2d.isWithinDistance( 0, 100, 0, 0, 100 ) ) -- true

print( ssk.math2d.isWithinDistance( 0, 100, 0, 0, 99.999 ) ) -- false

Advanced Operations

In Field-Of-View
Is In Front Is Behind Is To Left Is To Right
Line-Line Intersect Segment-Segment Intersect Segment-Circle Intersect

In Field-Of-View

In Field-Of-View

(image borrowed from Geek Blight)

math2d.inFOV( target, observer, fov [, offsetAngle ] )

Returns true target is within observer's field of view as defined by fov and the optional rotation offsetAngle.

-- See picture above for reference
-- objectA, objecB, and player are all display objects.

ssk.math2d.inFOV( objectA, player, 90 ) -- false

ssk.math2d.inFOV( objectB, player, 90 ) -- true

ssk.math2d.inFOV( objectA, player, 90, 270 ) -- true because we rotated the FOV by 270 degrees

Is In Front

Is Behind

Is To Left

Is To Right

math2d.isInFront( target, observer [, offsetAngle ] )
math2d.isBehind( target, observer [, offsetAngle ] )
math2d.isToLeft( target, observer [, offsetAngle ] )
math2d.isToRight( target, observer [, offsetAngle ] )

These are all shortcut functions that will quickly tell you if an object is: in-front, behind. to-the-left, or to-the-right of another object. This is exceptionally useful for things like missiles or enemies that need to 'steer' in the direction of a target.

This determiniation is based upon the current rotation of the observer and that angle can be modified with the optional offsetAngle.

-- See picture from 'In Field-Of-View ' above for reference

ssk.math2d.isInFront( objectA, player ) -- true

ssk.math2d.isInFront( objectB, player ) -- true 

ssk.math2d.isToLeft( objectA, player ) -- true

ssk.math2d.isToRight( objectB, player ) -- true 

Line-Line Intersect

Line Line Intersection

math2d.lineLineIntersect( l1x1, l1y1, l1x1, l1y2, l2x1, l2y1, l2x2, l2y2 )
math2d.lineLineIntersect( p1, p2, p3, p4 )

Checks to see if two lines intersect and if so where.

Returns table representing point of intersection { x = ??, y = ?? }, or nil indicating no intersection was found.

Warning: Although these 'lines' are specified as segments, they are treated as true (infinite) lines and as such any intersection of the infinite lines will be detected.

local x1,y1,x2,y2 = display.contentCenterX, display.contentCenterY-200, 
                    display.contentCenterX, display.contentCenterY+200
local line1 = display.newLine( x1,y1,x2,y2 )
line1.strokeWidth = 2

local x3,y3,x4,y4 = display.contentCenterX-200, display.contentCenterY, 
                    display.contentCenterX + 200, display.contentCenterY
local line2 = display.newLine( x3,y3,x4,y4 )
line2.strokeWidth = 2

local period = 60
local deltaAngle = 5
local startAngle = 0
local endAngle = 360
local angle = startAngle
local marker

local function testLineIntersect()
    angle = angle + deltaAngle

    if( angle > endAngle ) then         
    local vec = angle2Vector( angle, true )
    vec = scaleVec( vec, 250 )
    vec.x = vec.x + x3
    vec.y = vec.y + y3
    line2 = display.newLine( x3, y3, vec.x, vec.y )
    line2.strokeWidth = 2
    local intersect = ssk.math2d.lineLineIntersect( x3, y3, vec.x, vec.y, x1, y1, x2, y2 )
    if( intersect ) then 
        marker = display.newCircle( intersect.x, intersect.y, 10, true, true )

    timer.performWithDelay( period, testLineIntersect )
timer.performWithDelay( period, testLineIntersect )

Segment-Segment Intersect

Segment Segment Intersection

math2d.segmentSegmentIntersect( s1x1, s1y1, s1x1, s1y2, s2x1, s2y1, s2x2, s2y2 )

Checks to see if two line segments intersect and if so where.

Returns two points < x, y > if an intersection occurs or nil meaning no intersection was found.

Note: For most game implementations/tests you will want to use this instead of the line-line version as it is a true segment-segment test and only checks for intersections within the limited ranges of the two segments.

local x1,y1,x2,y2 = display.contentCenterX, display.contentCenterY-200, 
                    display.contentCenterX, display.contentCenterY+200
local line1 = display.newLine( x1,y1,x2,y2 )
line1.strokeWidth = 2

local x3,y3,x4,y4 = display.contentCenterX-200, display.contentCenterY, 
                    display.contentCenterX + 200, display.contentCenterY
local line2 = display.newLine( x3,y3,x4,y4 )
line2.strokeWidth = 2

local period = 60
local deltaAngle = 5
local startAngle = 0
local endAngle = 360
local angle = startAngle
local marker

local function testSegmentIntersect()
    angle = angle + deltaAngle

    if( angle > endAngle ) then         
    local vec = angle2Vector( angle, true )
    vec = scaleVec( vec, 250 )
    vec.x = vec.x + x3
    vec.y = vec.y + y3
    line2 = display.newLine( x3, y3, vec.x, vec.y )
    line2.strokeWidth = 2
    local intersect = ssk.math2d.segmentSegmentIntersect( x3, y3, vec.x, vec.y , x1, y1, x2, y2 )
    if( intersect ) then 
        marker = display.newCircle( intersect.x, intersect.y, 10, true, true )

    timer.performWithDelay( period, testSegmentIntersect )
timer.performWithDelay( period, testSegmentIntersect )

Segment-Circle Intersect

math2d.segmentCircleIntersect( p1, p2, circle, radius )

Segment Circle Intersection

Checks to see if the line segment defined by points p1 and p2 intersects with a circle of the specified radius.

Possible returns:

Credit: Derived from code by: Davis Claiborne (https://github.com/davisdude/mlib/blob/master/mlib.lua)

local x1,y1,x2,y2 = display.contentCenterX, display.contentCenterY+200, 
                    display.contentCenterX, display.contentCenterY-200
x1 = x1 - 150
x2 = x2
local line1 = display.newLine( x1,y1,x2,y2 )
line1.strokeWidth = 2

local p1 = { x = x1, y = y1 }
local p2 = { x = x2, y = y2 }

local circ = display.newCircle( display.contentCenterX, display.contentCenterY, 100 )
circ.strokeWidth = 2

local i1, i2 = ssk.math2d.segmentCircleIntersect( { x = p1.x, y = p1.y}, 
                                               { x = p2.x, y = p2.y}, 
                                               100 )

if( i1 ) then
    local hit = display.newCircle( i1.x, i1.y, 10 )

if( i2 ) then
    local hit = display.newCircle( i2.x, i2.y, 10 )

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