
SSK2 extends a number of Lua and Corona libraries/functions.


Function Summary
isValid( obj ) Returns true if obj is a valid display object.
newContainer( ... ) Adds flags __isContainer = true and __isGroup = true to returned container.
newGroup( ) Adds flags __isContainer = false and __isGroup = true to returned group.


Note: Unless otherwise specified, if a function takes the (optional) argument base, it defaults to system.DocumentsDirectory

Function Summary
appendFile( dataToWrite, fileName [ , base ] ) Append the contents of string dataToWrite to the file fileName, creating file if it does not exist.
cleanFileName( filename ) Cleans the string filename to ensure it is safe for use as a file name in all OSes targeted by Corona SDK.
exists( fileName [, base ] ) Returns true if path exists.
mkdir( dirName [, base ] ) Make a new directory with the name dirName. (Warning: Parent folders must be created first for compound paths.)
readFile( fileName [, base ] ) Returns contents of file at fileName as string.
readFileTable( fileName [, base ] ) Read the contens of fileName and return it as a table, where each entry is a line from the file. Lines are separated by newline (\n).
repairPath( path ) Changes 'slashes' in path to match current OS specifications.
writeFile( dataToWrite, fileName [ , base ] ) Write the contents of string dataToWrite to the file fileName.


Function Summary
getUID( rlen ) Generates and returns a unique ID of length rlen. Warning: With a rlen of 12 or higher, it is extremely unlikely you will get an id collision, but it is your responsibility to track your prior IDs and verify no collision occurs.
haversine_dist( lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2 [, R ] ) Calculate the distance from GPS position to another. Distance is a multiple of R (default is 6373 kilometers == 3961 miles.)
normRot( toNorm ) (number) Modifies number toNorm and returns equivalent angle in range [0,360).
normRot( toNorm ) (display object) Modifies display object toNorm, such that rotation is an equivalent value in range [0,360).


Function Summary
comma_value( num ) Returns a nicely comma-separated string version of number num.
endsWith( str, piece) Return true if str ends with piece. Credit: Sergey Lerg
first_upper( str ) Convert first letter in str to upper-case.
lpad( str, len [, char] ) Places padding on left side of a string, such that the new string is at least len characters long.
merge( t ) Return a string containing all entries in an indexed table concatenated together.
printf( ... ) Replicates C-language printf().
rpad( str, len [, char] ) Places padding on right side of a string, such that the new string is at least len characters long.
spaces2underbars( str ) Returns string converting all spaces () in str to underbars (_).
split( str, tok) Split str into a table, where elements in the string are separated by the token tok.
startsWith( str, piece) Return true if str starts with piece. Credit: Sergey Lerg
trim( str ) Remove all whitespace from beginning and end of str.
truncate( str, maxLen [, appendMe ] ) Shorten str to maxLen and optionally append appendMe to indicate string has been truncated.
underbars2spaces( str ) Returns string converting all underbars (_) in str to spaces ().
url_decode( str ) Returns URL decoded version of str.
url_encode( str ) Returns URL encoded version of str.

Torque Derived String Functions

I added a number of functions to string.* based on same-named functions from Torque. These functions operate on:

Function Summary
getWord( str [, index ] ) Returns index (1) word in str.
getWordCount( str ) Counts words in str.
getWords( str, [ index [, endindex ]] ) Returns a string containing all words in str between index (1) and endindex (last word).
setWord( str, [ index [, replace ]] ) Returns a string where the word in str at index (1) has been replaced with the string replace (nil).
getField( str [, index ] ) Field equivalent of getWord()
getFieldCount( str ) Field equivalent of getWordCount()
getFields( str, [ index [, endindex ]] ) Field equivalent of getWords()
setField( str, [ index [, replace ]] ) Field equivalent of setWord()
getRecord( str [, index ] ) Record equivalent of getWord()
getRecordCount( str ) Record equivalent of getWordCount()
getRecords( str, [ index [, endindex ]] ) Record equivalent of getWords()
setRecord( str, [ index [, replace ]] ) Record equivalent of setWord()


Table Debug Features

Function Summary
dump(theTable [ , padding [ , marker ]] ) Dumps indexes and values inside single-level table (for debug) (SORTED).
dumpu(theTable [ , padding [ , marker ]] ) Dumps indexes and values inside single-level table (for debug) (UNSORTED).
print_r( t ) Dumps indexes and values inside multi-level table (for debug)

Saving & Loading Tables

Note: Unless otherwise specified, if a function takes the (optional) argument base, it defaults to system.DocumentsDirectory

Function Summary
load( fileName [ , base ] ) Returns table loaded from file (Uses JSON library as intermediary)
prettySave( theTable, fileName [ , base ] ) Saves table to file as human readable JSON.
repairIndicies( theTable ) Repair numeric indicies in table that uses numbers and other values for indexing. Combining index types like this is bad practice if you are going to save() and load() the table. This function repairs the indices after a load.
save( theTable, fileName [ , base ] ) Saves table to file (Uses JSON library as intermediary)
secure_save( theTable, fileName [ , base ] ) Equivalent to save(), but uses ssk.security.* to obfuscate save.
secure_load( fileName [ , base ] ) Equivalent to load(), but uses ssk.security.* to obfuscate save.
stripSave( theTable, fileName [ , base ] ) Saves table to file (Uses JSON library as intermediary)

Table Utilities

Function Summary
combineUnique( ... ) Combines n tables into a single table containing only unique members from each source table.
combineUnique_i( ... ) Combines n tables into a single table containing only unique members from each source table.
count( t ) Counts all entries in table (non-recursive).
count_r( t ) Counts all entries in table (recursive).
deepCopy( src [ , dst ]) Copies multi-level tables; handles non-integer indexes; does not copy metatable
deepStripCopy( src [ , dst ]) Copies multi-level tables, but strips out metatable(s) and Fields with these value types: functions or userdata; Fields with these these names: _class or __index.
forEach( t, func ) Calls func( t, index) for each entry in table t.
forEachi( t, func ) Calls func( t, index) for each non-sparse numerically-indexed entry in table t.
getRandom( t ) Return randomly selected entry from table t.
maxIndex( t ) Determine the maximum index of a sparse table.
removeByRef( t, obj ) Locate entry obj in numerically indexed table t and remove it. Credit: Sergey Lerg
serialize( t ) Table Serializer: https://github.com/EmmanuelOga/columns/blob/master/utils/serialize.lua
shallowCopy( src [ , dst ]) Copies single-level tables; handles non-integer indexes; does not copy metatable
shallowStripCopy( src, dst ) Copies single-level tables; handles non-integer indexes; does not copy metatable
shuffle( t [, iter ] ) Randomizes the order of a numerically indexed (non-sparse) table. Supply iteration value iter (1) for better randomizing.
tokenize( t [, tok] ) Combines all elements in a numerically indexed table into a single string separated by tokens tok, where the default token is a comma ,.
toString( t [, flat ]) ) Converts table to string (serializes it). Credit: Jason Schroeder



Adds ability to transition the color of display objects (including text objects) from fromColor to toColor.

transition.color( obj, params )

local tmp = ssk.display.newCircle( nil, centerX, centerY, { radius = 30, fill = _R_ } )

function tmp.onComplete( self )
   print("Done transitioning color.")

transition.color( tmp, { fromColor = _R_, toColor = _G_, time = 1000, 
                         transition = easing.outCirc, onComplete = tmp } )

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