Starter: Action Pack #1

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This starter pack is designed to get you started writing games similar to:

Flappy Bird Escape Bouncing Ball 2 Flappy Color Circle
Flappy Bird Escape Bouncing Ball 2 Flappy Color Circle
Flappy Bird Starter Escape Starter Bouncing Ball 2 Starter Flappy Color Starter Circle Starter
code 569 lines code 594 lines code 601 lines code 591 lines code 616
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What Do These Games Have In Common?

These action games all share most of these features:

What Is A Starter?

Starters Are

"Focused examinations of game and app mechanics," with these primary goals,

  1. Provide a way (for you) to examine and understand how specific mechanics are implemented.
  2. Give you a working piece of code to extend and expand to suit your own needs.
  3. Keep game and app development simple and fun.

Starters Are Not

Starters demonstrate the tricky bits that are specific to a game or mechanic. How you polish your final game is up to you.

~ The Roaming Gamer

Contents Of This Pack


Please see Template Overview for an examination of the template project.

The five sample game starterss are not externally documented, but have significant comments in the code:


Here is an excerpt from the Player factory (~/scripts/factories/player.lua) in the 'Flappy Bird' starter:

-- ==
--    new() - Create new instance(s) of this factory's object(s).
-- ==
function group, x, y, params )
    params = params or { }

    -- Create player
    local player = newImageRect( group, x, y, "images/rg256.png",
        {   w = 40, h = 40, alpha = 1 }, 
        {   isFixedRotation = true, 
            calculator = myCC, colliderName = "player"} )

    -- Track player's initial x-position
    player.x0 = player.x    

    -- Add 'enterFrame' listener to player to:
    -- 1. Dampen vertical velocity, using actions library.
    -- 2. Maintain forward velocity.
    -- 3. Count distance progress.
    player.enterFrame = function( self )

    ... and so on

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