Dialog Trays (ssk.dialogs.*)

This module contains a factory for creating nice looking dialog trays with an optional floating-shadow effect as well as an optional touch blocker (modal versus modeless).

Basic Trays

Basic Dialog Trays

(Note: GIF motion is not a smooth as real thing.)

Creating a Basic Dialog Tray

To create a basic dialog tray of any width or height, use this function:

local dialog = basic.create( [ group [, x [, y [, params ]]]]])

Custom Trays

Custom dialog trays use a up to two images (one for the tray and one for the shadow) to create a nice looking floating dialog tray.

Custom Dialog Trays

(Note: GIF motion is not a smooth as real thing.)

Creating a Custom Dialog Tray

To create a custom dialog tray of any width or height, use this function:

local dialog = basic.create( [ group [, x [, y [, params ]]]]])



   group = group or display.currentStage
   params = params or {}

   ssk.display.newRect( group, centerX, centerY, 
                                { w = fullw, h = fullh, fill = hexcolor("#ED9C55") } )

   local function showDialogTray( style )

         local width = 600
         local height = 400

         local function onClose( self, onComplete )
            transition.to( self, { y = centerY + fullh, transition = easing.inBack, 
                                            onComplete = onComplete } )

         local dialog = ssk.dialogs.basic.create( group, centerX, centerY, 
                        { fill = hexcolor("#56A5EC"), 
                          width = width,
                          height = height,
                          softShadow = true,
                          softShadowOX = 8,
                          softShadowOY = 8,
                          softShadowBlur = 6,
                          closeOnTouchBlocker = true, 
                          blockerFill = _K_,
                          blockerAlpha = 0.55,
                          softShadowAlpha = 0.6,
                          blockerAlphaTime = 100,
                          onClose = onClose,
                          style = style } )

         local function closeTray( event )
            onClose( dialog, function() dialog.frame:close() end )

         ssk.easyIFC:presetPush( dialog, "default", 0, 0, 280, 50, 
                                    "Close Dialog Tray: Style " .. style, closeTray )

         ssk.easyIFC.easyFlyIn( dialog, { delay = 250, time = 500, sox = 0, soy = fullh } )

   local function onStyle1( event )

   ssk.easyIFC:presetPush( group, "default", centerX - 200, centerY, 280, 50, 
                            "Show Dialog Tray: Style 1", onStyle1 )

   local function onStyle2( event )

   ssk.easyIFC:presetPush( group, "default", centerX + 200, centerY, 280, 50, 
                            "Show Dialog Tray: Style 2", onStyle2 )


local width, height = ssk.misc.getImageSize( "images/fantasygui/dialog" .. style .. ".png" )
width = width * scale
height = height * scale

local function onClose( self, onComplete )
 transition.to( self, { y = centerY + fullh, transition = easing.inBack, 
                                 onComplete = onComplete } )

local dialog = ssk.dialogs.custom.create( group, centerX, centerY, 
             { width = width,
               height = height,
               softShadow = true,
               softShadowOX = 8,
               softShadowOY = 8,
               softShadowBlur = 6,
               closeOnTouchBlocker = true, 
               blockerFill = _K_,
               blockerAlpha = 0.15,
               softShadowAlpha = 0.3,
               blockerAlphaTime = 100,
               onClose = onClose,
               trayImage = "images/fantasygui/dialog" .. style .. ".png",
               shadowImage = "images/fantasygui/dialog" .. style .. "_shadow.png" } )

local function closeTray( event )
 onClose( dialog, function() dialog.frame:close() end )

ssk.easyIFC:presetPush( dialog, "default", 0, 0, 320, 50, 
                         "Close Custom Dialog Tray: Example " .. style, closeTray )

ssk.easyIFC.easyFlyIn( dialog, { delay = 250, time = 500, sox = 0, soy = fullh } )

local function onStyle1( event )
ssk.easyIFC:presetPush( group, "default", centerX + 200, centerY - 75, 320, 50, 
                    "Show Custom Dialog Tray: Example 1", onStyle1 )

local function onStyle2( event )
ssk.easyIFC:presetPush( group, "default", centerX + 200, centerY, 320, 50, 
                    "Show Custom Dialog Tray: Example 2", onStyle2 )

local function onStyle3( event )
ssk.easyIFC:presetPush( group, "default", centerX + 200, centerY + 75, 320, 50, 
                    "Show Custom Dialog Tray: Example 3", onStyle3 )

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